You’ll have noticed our new name, Zeno London
What’s in a name?
When Shakespeare asked this in Romeo and Juliet he was, essentially, creating debate about the importance of brand. In this case Brand Montague and its lack of ‘fit’, to put it mildly, with Brand Capulet. The question raises questions about perception versus reality, and how, perhaps, names can get in the way of what’s true and important – a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Which is a lofty (and pretentious, sorry folks) way of intro’ing the fact that I’ve been thinking a lot about names of late. And apologies again, but I think I have to disagree with Mr S. Names do matter, and they are important. That’s why people copyright them, protect them and even fight for them.
Names matter for three reasons.
They send a signal to the outside world about intent. You wouldn’t, for example, call a sports car a Sedate? They offer a sense of place, important when the world is fast and furious. And they provide a metaphorical umbrella under which individuals can aggregate their power and purpose – back to those Montagues and Capulets.
Changing our name to Zeno London now, signals our intent, place and purpose.
Our intent is to fully align the London office with the rest of the network. Zeno is now well established in the UK, due both to the growth of London and the visibility of Zeno Group on a global stage.
Our place, our home, has also changed, and our move to 160 Old Street marks a new milestone. Our capability has increased in strength and depth, with our digital, technology and corporate reputation practices growing significantly alongside brand in recent years. Chorus is developing award winning work and Z3 has seen us take our first steps into the Metaverse.
Our purpose - to champion the courageous to achieve something better for humankind – manifests every day. Our work is more scaled and global in nature than ever and we’re better equipped to meet the complex needs of brave clients who want to generate positive societal and business outcomes. That’s why we’re currently PRWeek’s Purpose Agency of the Year.
That’s a lot of change. But some things stay the same. The agency was founded on a shared spirit of curiosity, irreverence and fun, with a reputation for outstanding creativity. We’ll endeavour to keep this spirit at the heart of Zeno London. Alongside this, we’ve built a culture based on professionalism, respect and support. We’re an ‘agency for all.’
In short, Zeno London will continue to be a group of good people, with an ambition to do great things.
Turns out there’s quite a lot in a name, after all.
Written by Jo Patterson
Managing Director, Zeno London